The Problem

sex trafficking and exploitation are booming industries
$150 Billion
industry worldwide
40.3 Million
Victims of Human Trafficking World Wide
1 in 4
victims are children
18.4 Million
reports related to ONLINE child sexual EXPLOITATION
*International Labour Organization, Global Estimates of Modern Slavery, Geneva, September 2017
**The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children’s Cyber Tip Line received over 18.4 million reports in 2018 related to child sexual abuse images, online enticement, sextortion, child sex trafficking and child sexual molestation.
traffickers find victims through
Social Networking, Home neighborhood, clubs & bars, internet, & school
through promises of
protection, love, adventure, home, & opportunity

traffickers use
fear, violence, intimidation, & threats
to ensure compliance & meet demand
Become a fighter