Episode 5: iPhone Security

On March 23, 2020 the FBI issued a warning due to school closing as a result of COVID 19, that children potentially have an increased online presence and would be in a position that puts them at an inadvertent risk. Due to a newly developing environment, the FBI warned parents and children about the dangers of online sexual exploitation. The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children experienced a 90.46% increase in CyberTipline reports between January - June 2020 versus the same time period in 2019. In this day and age, it is vital we secure our children’s electronic device and establish boundaries for safer use.

At Christy’s Cause we have run across many parents who feel overwhelmed and paralyzed when it comes to their children and electronic devices. Most people don't realize how many security options are available to protect their children. On this episode of Real Talk, we discuss how parents can secure their child’s iPhone with Sgt. Wade Williams of the Collier County Sheriff’s Office Special Crimes Bureau Exploitation Section. 

Episode Resources:

Additional Internet Accountability and Management Tools:

Net Nanny

Other Resources:
Collier County Sheriffs Office 
Christy’s Cause: Parent and Child Article 
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (Online Enticement) 
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (Internet Safety) 

Christine Ivie